
5 fastest ways to get yourself 86'd

Swift Paths to Getting Kicked Out: Navigating the No-Nos That'll Show You the Door

27 May 2024
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A Night to Remember or Forget? 5 Swift Ways to Get 86'd from Anchor Bar

Welcome to 628 Water St, Port Townsend, US, where the brews are cold, the atmosphere is electric, and the company is always interesting. At Anchor Bar, we pride ourselves on being the go-to spot for a night of revelry and relaxation. But just like any establishment in the bar industry, we’ve got some golden rules to ensure everyone’s enjoyment. Want to know the quickest ways to get yourself 86'd from our little haven? Read on, intrepid bar-goer, read on.

1. Start a brawl, become a fall guy. This oldie but a goodie is the number one ticket to a swift boot. Whether it’s over the last sip of our signature ale or a misunderstanding turned messy, physical altercation is your express pass out of our doors. Here at the Anchor Bar on 628 Water St, we're all about good vibes, not black eyes. So keep those fists unclenched and the good times rolling.

2. Guzzle like you've got something to prove. There's a fine line between enjoying your drink and becoming it. Excessive drinking that leads to messy mishaps or passing out at the bar will have our staff helping you exit stage left. Remember, moderation is key, and the goal is to remember the good times not wake up wondering where the night went.

3. Turn from jovial Joe to creepy Casanova. Flirting is all fun and games until it isn't. We encourage mingling and meeting new people but harassing other customers or making unwanted advances is a no-go. Respect people's space and consent—cross that line, and you're out faster than you can say "sorry". Our philosophy at Anchor Bar is enjoyment for all, not discomfort for some.

4. Confuse the bar for your personal talent stage. Ah, liquid courage—there's nothing like a few drinks to convince you you're the next big thing in stand-up comedy or karaoke stardom. While we enjoy a good laugh, disrupting the ambiance with loud and lewd behavior or unsolicited performances will lead to a not-so-round of applause from our staff escorting you out. Save your headlining act for another spot—not 628 Water St.

5. Turn our establishment into a crime scene. This one might seem like a given, but you'd be surprised! Theft, vandalism, or any illegal activities won't just get you 86'd from Anchor Bar. They'll land you in hot water with the local Port Townsend enforcement, too. Keep it clean, keep it legal, and keep coming back.

At our core, here at Anchor Bar, we want everyone to have a memorable night for all the right reasons. So come on down to 628 Water St and raise a glass to good times and great company—just keep these five quick exit strategies in mind and do the opposite. Who knows, follow the rules, and you might just become part of our Anchor Bar lore. To good nights!

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Anchor📍 628 Water St, Port Townsend, US
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